Wordless Wednesday: Musing Marilyn

Welcome to Wordless Wednesday!
I love Marilyn Monroe- not because she died on the date I was born, though somehow, that slightly morbid connection peaked my curiosity about her at a young age… I even love how beautiful she was, like many others; but it is her spirit, wit and wisdom outside of her gorgeous physique that I am drawn to the most. As someone born into tall, slender body, (which is today’s “ideal” whether I like it or not) I understand her desires to reject and reflect on the societal normals of beauty and look beyond and through it to all that is beautiful within. Being called “skinny” or even “beautiful” isn’t a necessarily compliment- you might as well thank their parents for the genetics. It’s just another distracting label. 
In this spirit, I’ve included some of my favorite not-so famous and fancy pictures of her of her relaxing & reading, as well as some of her ruminations on beauty and perfection… an interesting perspective coming from someone so many viewed as the embodiment of such. 


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  1. I've always been busty and on the thicker side. When I was like 12 or 13 I first read about how she set the trend for the hourglass shape. At the time I was really self conscious about my curves, but when I found out that I had the same bust, waist, hip ratio that she did I felt SO much better 🙂 Loved her ever since!


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